Thursday, May 28, 2015

Day 3

Today we took a trip to Cox Arboretum, a nature preserve. All the students were allowed to explore the preserve as they saw fit. My group of friends and I explored the various paths. We got to explore the explosion of color around that came in the shapes of flowers in trees. Around us we also saw many different animals. Below I will post the pictures from my exploration, I believe that these pictures will explain more than words.

maple bark

maple leaves

Maple tree 
blue spruce bark

blue spruce leaves

blue spruce
oak bark 

oak leaves

oak tree

evergreen bark

evergreen leaves

recently planted evergreen

long leaf pine leaves

long leaf pine bark 

long leaf pine

day 2

Today in class we walked to Delco Park. There we met Rob Boley. He talked to us about different forms of writing or delivery. He gave everyone a random page from a magazine. We choose a three random words from the text and then had to make a haiku from them. My partner and I  three words were Ohio grant submissions. The haiku a made next was like this:

Ohio wanted
Grants for the needy student
Submission maybe

Then for the next exercise I had to take the first ten words in a survey and make a short story from that. The sentence was “what many nature lovers don’t know is that there is”. The story didn’t make much sense, but it was interesting to see how a story can evolve from a group of random words. Here is the story my partner and I made below.

What are your favorite things
Many thing
Nature is my favorite
Lovers of nature are lame
Don’t know what you are talking about
Know what I’m talking about
Is you crazy
That is rude
That were the facts
Is you wrong

 I didn't make much of a master piece, but I do think that this activity can help me in the delivery of my nature writing.
Rob Boley (on the right edge) speaking to the class

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Day 1

Today was the start of the intersession in to the woods. The class started off with a quote by H. D. Thoreau: “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately.” Everyone then spent the next few minutes thinking what it means to deliberately live. Then we did a few icebreakers. We traced our hands on a piece of paper and listed five attributes about ourselves. Then another icebreaker we did was  a game in which we had to get across the one side of the room to another using only four boards. Then, we had a guest speaker come and talk to us about nature writing. He explained what it was and how it was done. The three steps in the process in nature writing is observation, meaning, and delivery.